Pet Policy

We do not allow tenants to have pets on the property or their guests, or others visiting the property without written permission.


Residents may not be allowed to keep any animal without the prior written consent of the owner. Guests are not allowed to bring their personal pets or animals onto the property.
For any violation of this provision, in addition to the owner’s other remedies, the tenant will pay an unauthorized pet fee of $700.00 per-occurrence and collect the sum of $50.00 per day the pet is on the property or in the rental, per violation. All costs of cleaning, de-fleaing or other damage or loss suffered on account of a violation of this section shall be promptly paid by resident to owner. Residents are required to get approval for any companion or service animal PRIOR to the animal coming onto the premises. Failure to obtain prior approval is a significant violation of this agreement which shall allow for immediate eviction.
In compliance with Federal regulations and as an accommodation to tenants, service animals need not have a pet deposit. Service animals are any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal trained to provide specific assistance to an individual with a disability. Service animals perform some function that the disabled individual cannot perform. Documentation may be required to establish service animals.
Companion animals require the filing out of a request by both the tenant and its medical provider. All service and companion animals must abide by the following rules: 1) Outdoor droppings must be removed immediately 2)The animal must maintained in the premises and only in the common areas as specifically necessary 3)The animal may not interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of other tenants 4)The animal must be on a leash at all times when outside the premises 5) The tenant must repair any damage done by the animal within 10 days. The tenant accepts responsible for any dog attacks to anyone on the property.


Tenant shall be responsible for cleaning and care throughout the tenancy. Any damage caused to carpets by pets, Tenants or their guests, shall be charged to the Tenant. This cost may include replacement of the carpet if the damage is significant.
Care should be taken to insure that no damage is done to any of the flooring. Carpet generally has a useful life of at least ten years. Vinyl flooring has a useful life of at least twenty years. Damaged carpet may not be able to be replaced on a room by room basis. Damage to carpet in one section of the room will require the entire room to be replaced as a minimum. Damaged vinyl will require the entire vinyl to be replaced. Tenant agrees to pay all such costs of replacement if flooring is damaged during its tenancy.


This community may or may not allow pets. Pets are only allowed on the premises with Tenants who have signed a Pet Agreement. Tenants are required to follow the specific rules and terms of the Pet Agreement and such additional regulations as promulgated by management. Violation of the Pet Agreement or having a pet on the premises without a Pet Agreement is considered a grounds for eviction. All animals must abide by the following rules: Outdoor droppings must be removed immediately. Pet owners will be charged $200.00 per occurrence if droppings are not picked up.
The animal must maintained in the premises and only in the common areas as specifically necessary.
The animal may not interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of other tenants.
The tenant must repair any damage done by the animal within 10 days written notice.
The tenant must repair any damage done by the animal within 10 days written notice.


In compliance with Federal regulations and as an accommodation to tenants, service animals need not have a pet deposit. Service animals are any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal trained to provide specific assistance to an individual with a disability. Service animals perform some function that the disabled individual cannot perform. Documentation may be required to establish service animals.
In some instances, an animal may not qualify as a service animal but may be required as due to a disability. This complex will give reasonable accommodation to companion animals that meet the requirements. Companion animals require the filing out of a request by both the tenant and its medical provider.
All animals must abide by the following rules:
Outdoor droppings must be removed immediately.
The animal must be maintained on the premises and only in the area that is being rented by a tenant.
The animal may not interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of other tenants.
The animal must be on a leash at all times when outside the premises.
The tenant must repair any damage done by the animal within 10 days written

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