Application Fee

We charge a $35.00 application fee – per-applicant that lives in the home above 18 years of age. Once paid our application fee is not refundable. An incomplete or denied, and an approved application, the application fee is not refundable. We have to receive a completed application and all requested document within 5 day of the application fee, or the application will be denied. If an applicant employer charges an verification of employment fee, the prospective tenant will pay that fee.
We use a tenant screening third-party service for landlords to find the strongest, most reliable tenants. To research an applicants work history, income, credit, criminal, eviction reports, and references. 
Third Party Service Roles
How quickly will an application take to be approved?
It depends on how quickly a tenant gives us all the needed information and documentation to start the process. Once we have a complete application and requested documentation. It could take a week to forty five days to approve an application. It depends on how long it takes to get our verification documents back.
We understand that applicants might not want to pay our non-refundable application fee. It’s important to know that your application fee is not a price-gouging tool to collect more money from prospective renters. But rather it adds value and security to the rental application process and will save everyone time and money in the future. Just having prospective tenants fill out a rental application isn’t enough – there are more precautions landlords should be taking.
Can co-applicants and roommates be charged as well?
Yes, we charge an application fee per-applicant that is going to be on the rental agreement. Because, we need to run a separate screening report on each individual. Our application fee is the same for everyone.
Rental Application Fees are used for tenant screening to:
Verify Work History and Income
Verify Credit Standing
Uncover Criminal History
Identify Prior Evictions
Ensure the New Tenant is Safe and Responsible
We use a third-party service to get this information.
As a tenant, you want to make sure future neighbors or other tenants living on the property are responsible and trustworthy as well.
It’s highly important to do our best to fully screen and find prospective tenants that will take care of the rental, are able to pay rent fully and on time each month, and are good neighbors. Overall rental our application fees is an essential part of the rental process – without them, screening would not be possible and landlords would not fee safe and secure about their tenant decisions.
Before you pay our rental application fee:
We are entitled to charge a fee. Once paid the fee is non-refundable. The fee is $35.00 per-applicant.
By Paying the Rental Fee
By paying the rental application fee. You authorize the property owner or manager to run a credit check and/or background check. You authorize property owner or manager to reach out to any and all references listed on the rental application. You understand that any false statements made on this rental application could result in rejection. You understand that this rental application is solely an application and is not a lease or commitment to rent in any way. You understand and agree that the rental application fee is non-refundable.

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