Maintenance Requests

Since maintenance request usually come without warning, and sometimes they’re urgent. We have a process in place to help you deal with them.
It’s very important that you report any maintenance issues in a timely manner. So it doesn’t turn into a bigger, more expensive one.
We require all tenants submit a maintenance request from this page, and a text letting us know there is an issue. Give us a very detailed message about what isn’t working, please no vague messages or texts. You are required to make yourself available for a maintenance worker to get access to the property to fix the issue.
Let us know how urgent it is, what is broken, and the details of the issue. Also, take photos of the issue and text them to us.
Once we have received a maintenance request will will set a repair date, and create a group text between us, you, and the maintenance working about the issue and the set date for repairs. The maintenance worker will take before and after photos of the issue, and write a report to provide us on the cause, and solution provide. 

Maintenance Request

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