Paying Rent

What is a good tenant? A good tenant will make sure to pay rent on-time, take care of the rental property, and communicate any issues that require your attention.
Please send the rent on the 1st of every month. Please refer to your lease agreement regarding late rent payments and grace periods.
Online Payments: Paying rent online makes things easy, convenient. If tenants set-up automated payments we reduce their rent $25.00.
We do not accept partial rent payments.

Why is it important to pay rent on time?

There are three ways to know you are a good tenant (1) pay rent on time (2) keep the rental property in great shape (3) follow rental agreement. There are consequences for not paying rent on time, not maintaining the property, or following the rental agreement
It’s very important that we are clear what happens when you pay rent late. If the rent is not paid by Midnight on the 5th. You will have to pay a $100.00 late fee and will be sent our three day notice to pay or be evicted. To have this 3 day legal document served to the tenant a fee of $50.00 will be charged. If the total amount of rent is not paid within three days the eviction process will start. Once an eviction process has started the tenant will have to move.
The Rental Agreement requires monthly rent to be paid by the first day of each month, with a five (5) day emergency grace period.. Keep in mind that rent can be paid anytime prior to the first day of the month. If rent is deposited the 6th day or later, your rent is late and will require a late fee of $100.00, $25.00 Processing Fee, and $50.00, and a 3 day to pay or move document to be served.
Tenants that do not pay rent might have to pay late fees, interest, or other penalties for not paying rent on time. If you do not think you can pay rent on-time you should talk with your landlord as soon as possible. Also, consider looking into obtaining assistance from federal, state, local, private, or non-profit sources.

Tenant Responsible for the following expenses renting

The monthly rent does not cover the following expenses, the tenant is responsible to pay these expenses.
Natural Gas
Internet and Cable
Renter Insurance
Pet Fees
Garbage Pickup
Pest Control
Extra Parking
Administration Fees

Is there a legal requirement for late fees in Idaho?

There is no legal requirement for late fees.

Does Idaho have a law regarding grace periods?

There is no legal requirement for grace periods, which means landlords can charge a late fee as soon as rent is late.

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