Property Inspections


Regular property inspections are vital to the health of our real estate investment properties. There are four main types of property inspections that are commonly performed.
Move In Inspection: This is a detailed walk-through inspection. The goal here is to thoroughly document the rental property condition and identify any concerns for the tenants. These inspections allow easy comparison to the move out examination to determine possible damages above normal wear and tear.
Mid-Tenancy Inspections: By periodically checking in, we can proactively address maintenance concerns, perform preventative repairs, or uncover any lease violations before they damage the property.
Periodic Drive-By: A periodic drive-by of the unit is necessary to spot potential issues or even an unauthorized pet.
Move Out Inspection: The move out inspection determines any damages the tenant may have caused throughout their occupancy. When compared to the move in inspection, we can evaluate what, if any of the security deposit can be held to address the repairs beyond normal wear and tear. This inspection gives us an idea of the required repairs to complete before renting to new occupants.

Why is preventative rental property maintenance so important?

Preventive and regular maintenance is essential to establish a standard of care for the property. If tenants know and see that the property is well kept and handled professionally, they are more apt to respect the rental property. We do not want any issues to go untreated or repairs to be sub-par. We also expect tenants to go out of their way to care for the rental property.

What do we cover in our property inspection as a preventive maintenance checklist?

Change HVAC filters
Maintain Heating Systems
Turn Off Water Outside Spigots Every Fall
Clean Gutters Every Autumn
Remove Leaves from the Yard Each Fall
Clean Deck and Fences Now and Then
Wash Porch and Siding Yearly
Test Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Check for Activities that Violate the Lease Agreement
Drain the Water Heater
Re-Caulk Showers and Bathtubs
Take Care of Insect or Rodent Problems
Maintain Common Areas
Doors and Window
Lock Secure
Water Damage or Leaks
Inspect Roof
Cracks in Ceiling or Drywall


A routine mid-tenancy inspection isn’t the most convenient of tasks for any landlord and tenant, it’s definitely one of the most important. We never want to neglect regular routine mid-tenancy inspections. Routine inspections help landlords identify maintenance issues and confirm the terms of the Rental Agreement are adhered to. The following areas of inspection are not inclusive of all areas that might be inspected.
Fire Extinguishers: We will be installing a fire extinguisher in the kitchen of each house.
Drainage / Plumbing System: Twice a year we will make sure the drainage is not clogged as the consequences can lead to severe damage. Also, to check for any leakage or disruption in the plumbing.
Inspect Bathroom/Tub/Shower: We want to make sure the caulking and grout does not have any holes, cracks, dirt, or mold, that could lead to leakages or build-up of mold.
Water Heater: Before the cold season every year we will check the water heater. This procedure is done in order to ensure the proper functioning of the heater and to avoid the building of sediment. The latter can cause clogging or damage the water heater.
Gas / Electricity Systems: At least twice a year we want to check the gas and electricity systems are working properly.
Inspect the Property Exterior: We inspect the outside of the rental properties for damage to walls or windows, any leakages or water damage. All windows should have screens that are not broken and are in good condition. If broken they will need to be replaced. It’s important to make sure the gutters are free of leaves and drains properly.
Inspect the Yard of the Property: We examine the lawn, garden, trees, and plants to make sure the outside of the rental property is in good condition. We expect tenants to keep the yard for the rental property clean. It’s the tenants responsibility living in a rental property that is not an apartment.
Deep Clean the Rental Property: One of our simplest property maintenance tips to deep clean the property at least twice per-year. This will ensure that the rental property is in its best condition and will prevent any long-term dirt from building up.


Do you need a fire extinguisher?
Are all the pipes draining correctly?
Is the bathroom/tub/show clean? Are there any holes, cracks, dirt, or mold?
Gas/Electricity: Are there any problems with the gas or electricity?
Exterior of Property: Are there any overgrown plants or trees next to the house? Is the yard clean of old leaves?
Yard of the Property: Is the lawn mowed and watered?
A deep clean of the inside and outside of the property twice a year is very important. It helps to keep the property in better condition.


A mid-tenancy inspection can feel quite intrusive and often tenants don’t feel comfortable with strangers walking around the property they are renting. So it’s easy to understand why a tenant might feel reluctant. We want to make sure we arrange for a suitable time for the tenant to inspect the property.
We want to be respectful when scheduling our property inspections. We value our tenants and want to make sure we communicate correctly with respect. We appreciate a tenant’s right to live in quiet enjoyment, along with the understanding that our rental units are their home, and they are paying for that privilege. We have found great tenants are more than happy to accommodate inspections, but only if it’s done with courtesy. Our goal is to be generous and flexible with your time and make sure it’s convenient for all parties.

What is a landlord property inspection?

The primary purpose of an inspection is to evaluate the overall condition of a rental property, specifically to check if everything is in good working order and reasonable state, both the interior and exterior. It’s also the perfect opportunity to ensure all tenants are behaving the rules in the rental agreement, and not living in a way that is destroying the rental unit.
Our mid-tenancy inspections are typically conducted on a quarterly basis, but often reduced every 6 months after frequent positive inspections are conducted for the same tenants.

How do we give tenants notice for a property inspection?

Landlords have the right to enter the premises to view the condition and state of repair of their property.
This is the legislation: In a lease in which the lessor’s repairing covenant is implied there is also implied a covenant by the lessee that the lessor, or any person authorised by him in writing, may at reasonable times of the day and on giving 24 hours’ notice in writing to the occupier, enter the premises comprised in the lease for the purpose of viewing their condition and state of repair.
1. The inspection must be conducted at “reasonable times of the day”.
2. The landlord/agent must give 24 hours written notice.
3. If someone other than the landlord or agent is going to do the inspection, then that person should be authorized in writing.
We generally will give a week’s notice to get the rental property in great tip top shape before we complete a mid-tenancy inspection.


We require a deep cleaning of each rental twice per-year. It is easier to have a deep cleaning performed when tenants move out on a yearly basis. For long-term tenants taking the time to deep clean a property in great condition.
1. Opportunity to spot repairs and maintenance issues.
2. Assess if tenants are keeping the property in good order.
3. Spot illegal activities.
4. Notice to move or evictions.

How do we give tenants notice for a property inspection?

We require a deep cleaning of each rental twice per-year. It is easier to have a deep cleaning performed when tenants move out on a yearly basis. For long-term tenants taking the time to deep clean a property in great condition.
If a rental property is not clean a tenant agrees to pay for a professional deep cleaning service if they are not able to keep the home clean. Really dirty tenants have broken the lease agreement signed and will be evicted.

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